Twe-nty-four hours!
Granted, we lost 2 hours at the border crossing...but still, 22 hours is not much faster!
It. was. long. The main reason the driving took so long is that every single time you approached a village the speed limit drops to 50 km (30 mph) and there are monster speed bumps to drive over to make sure that you don't blow past the lower speed limits. It got to be so ridiculous that we started to time how long it took to drive between speed bumps....which on average was every three minutes. So we'd have three minutes, sometimes only one, to drive fast and then we'd have to abruptly stop for speed bumps and drive 30 mph until we passed the "village" which was sometimes nothing more than a single shack set way back from the road. And then not to mention all of the police checkpoints, which is basically just an excuse for them to stop you and seek a bribe by any means necessary. I lost track at how many times we got stopped there and back. Which also didn't help our traveling time.
But the kids were troopers through it all. We piled five kids in one car with Isaak and Rhyan (bless their hearts) in the front to throw food back whenever they got restless. =) And then the rest of us plus baby Jonah road in the minivan pulling the trailer.
However, despite the incredibly long drive, the scenery more than made up for it. Oh how I love to sit and watch the world of Africa roll by outside. It has become one of my greatest pleasures.
I was surprised to discover how different Ghana was from Burkina. As soon as you cross the border, the change is distinctly noticeable.
The first major difference I saw was the architecture. In Burkina once you get outside of the city, all the homes are made of mud and straw.
In Ghana, the village homes had triangular tin roofs. Many were still built in a circle with walls connecting each building to establish community with a common courtyard, but just the fact that they had tin roofs with windows was so much more modern looking in comparison.
And then many of the homes throughout the country we saw didn't even have walls surrounding them. In Burkina, every home, typically, will have some sort of gate or wall surrounding the property, but that was not the case in Ghana...many of the homes were accessible to walk right up to just like in the states.
This picture depicts three of the significant differences between the left is a public urinal, in the back is a church, and all the buildings roofs are pointed.
In Burkina all the buildings have flat roofs, it is an Islamic nation, and personal hygiene and healthcare are sorely lacking. In Ghana, a Christian nation, everywhere you went there would be churches on every corner. This is a former British colony and it's evident that the strong British presence influenced their architecture. And everywhere we went there would be billboards, words written on houses and buildings, signs on the sides of the streets...all promoting health and hygiene. In Burkina you are hard pressed to find toilets in restaurants even in the capital...and there is certainly no such thing here as a public restroom. The public restroom we stopped at in Ghana, in the middle of some tiny little city, was incredibly well taken care of. As we traveled there would be posters and signs all over the place promoting all different forms of medical information, ranging from how to protect yourself from malaria, to AIDS, to dry skin. Just the fact that they have public urinals is encouraging people not to relieve themselves on the roads like they do in Burkina. Ghana has a countrywide healthcare program and the people just look generally healthier. Which is no surprise when your country has taken steps to promote good health in all forms among its citizens.
The roads, with a few exceptions, were in great condition, even having guard rails and shoulders on the sides along with street lights in many areas. Conveniences we're not used to having in Burkina!
These were really cool to look at as we drove through the Ghanian countryside. Termite mounds. I honestly thought that they were some kind of weird tree at first, and then Isaak told me they were termite mounds. Some reached up to at least 9 or 10 feet high, maybe taller. Just cool. Something you don't see everyday. One of the things I love most about living in Africa, is all the strange and interesting things we now see that are common to this part of the world.
Fi-na-lly, after our long two day journey we arrived in Accra, Ghana's capital! An incredibly generous family from the embassy allowed us to stay in their home while they were away on vacation, and it had the best outdoor patio! The first night us moms set out on foot to find a nearby restaurant, and discovered a little gem a couple blocks away that had all sorts of American style foods with everything from chicken wings to sushi! Isaak was in heaven! Man hadn't had a chicken wing in a year and I thought he might faint from joy.
The next seven days we filled our time with a plethora of activities.....
Twice during our stay we went to a nearby beach. This beach was called Bojo and only a short drive from Accra. The beach is a little island all its own, separated by a water barrier. To access the beach you must cross over the water barrier in a custom fishing canoe rowed by a man with only a bamboo pole.
It was pretty awesome! On just the other side of the sand ahead the Atlantic Ocean awaits!
Ocean here we come!!! Ah! Happy day! The girls literally darted from the canoe and ran straight to the water.
Boy did we miss this sight!! It was glorious! The sand, the view, the water. Everything. We couldn't have asked for a better more relaxing way to spend our days.
Even Isaak, who is not as much of a beach enthusiast as us girls had a great time. He body surfaced one day and brought a boogie board the next. It was good to see him smile, and relax and be able to have fun.
Those were some pretty big waves, and strong too.
But the girls got right out there with Isaak and rode the waves and had the best time.
There was plenty of playing in the sand and of course I made a mermaid, what has become a tradition of sorts for the past couple years every time we go to the beach. We laid and rested and dozed off in the warmth of the sun.
The kids played...building castles, digging trenches, catching crabs, and running away from waves. The water wasn't actually that just had to will yourself to stand in it for five minutes and then the coldness went away.
Me and Isaak strolled the beach collecting shells and talked adoption and life and Ghana and Burkina and what movies we wanted to watch and everything and nothing. And it was grand. And then him and Sydaleigh walked the beach just the two of them collecting sea shells for the Mimi. =) Lots of little moments together to savor.
It was pretty surreal, to know that I was standing on a coastline in Africa. Sometimes the reality that we are here still catches me, and leaves me in awe, overflowing with gratitude.
The whole gang together. These folks have been like family to us since moving here and we are so grateful for their friendship. God has been good to bring so many wonderful friends into our lives here and we have been able to make some incredible memories together. Now we can add Ghanian adventure to the list!
A couple days we went to a mall. Yes, Accra had a mall! A real one. I couldn't believe it. It was like walking into another world. One I used to live in but don't anymore. I walked in and was like, "woooow, look at all the pretty lights....". You'd think that I hadn't lived in the U.S. for the past 30 years! I had to keep scooping my mouth up off the floor. Culture shock will do that to ya! The mall also had an outdoor play area that the kids took full advantage of.
And it had a movie theater! So we got to go to the MOVIES!!! Whoo hoo! There were 8 shows playing (one of which was this local Ghanian movie called Cheaters that made Twilight acting look like oscar winning performances. The preview they subjected us to was so bad it made me want on a refund on those two minutes of my life! Ha ha!) However, our movies were awesome! We took the kids to the movies twice to see Turbo and Despicable Me 2. And me and Isaak went out alone one evening to see Man of Steel. It was so nice to sit in a movie theater and watch a show again! Ah, we loved it!
We also found a KFC in a different shopping complex. Nothing says American in Africa like Colonel Sanders! (I did not eat there though. I could live the rest of my life without eating at KFC ever again.) This shopping center also had a kids play area so the dads took care of the kids while us moms took advantage of a salon we found and got haircuts! *before picture* It had been a year since scissors have seen my hair, and I was way overdo!
Me and my favorite girls. Oh how they enjoyed themselves.
The time spent at the house wasn't too shabby either. We played games. Watched movies. Laughed. Goofed around.
We took turns trying to break our necks on this balancing board thingy! Isaak came the closest. Sadly I didn't have my camera handy to document his fall. It was epic. He actually managed to fall backwards with such force that his legs actually flew out from under him, went wildly into the air, and he crashed onto his back. Thankfully he didn't get hurt, which would have been a real mood killer since we were laughing so hard at him!
The teenage daughter of an embassy worker came over for a night to babysit so we could go out just us adults. We happen to find as close to an authentic Mexican restaurant as you can find in Africa.
She was SO proud of herself for braving the ear piercing gun! Love how special and confident it made her feel.
The kids had the greatest times together playing. The house had a wonderful yard that they used to the fullest. Every morning they'd run outside and before breakfast they'd all come in totally filthy from digging in the dirt, making mud pies, chasing each other or playing ninjas. Underwear makes for some awesome ninja face masks by the way. =)
And then there was the day we drove to Cape Coast.
And we visited a building on the water. A building that used to be a fort, but is now called a castle. But this is no castle like the ones we see in Disney. There were no happily ever afters here.
For beneath this wall where the cannons lay there runs a tunnel. And beneath this grand and stately building and underneath the courtyard that we crossed...there lies dungeons. For this building that they now call a castle used to be the British headquarters for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. And it was in these headquarters that they bought and sold people. It was in those dungeons that they held them captive. And it was through that tunnel they would walk to their fate...
The tour of the Cape Coast Castle started through a door off to the right. Through the doors lied a cave. In this cave is where the British would hold the African men. The men were chained and shackled and forced to live with a thousand others in chambers no bigger than 30x15.
The chambers had only three little blocks cut out for light, forcing the men to live in near blackness.
The chambers are now outfitted with a single light bulb for the purpose of the tours. In these chambers the men would live, having to sit in human waste up to a half a foot deep at times.
On the other side of the courtyard were the dungeons where the women were held. With but two small windows there was but a patch of light for hundreds of women to share. This place, this cold dark dank place, is where they would wait...wait to starve, wait to die, wait to be sexually exploited, wait to be sold, wait to sail across the ocean....
Over 10 million people.
Over ten million people born free but violently kidnapped from their homes during slave raids. Forced to walk in a slave march from their village of capture to the coast, which was sometimes up to 1000 miles. Once they arrived at the coast they were branded like cattle with hot iron rods. They were held captive in the forts for anywhere from three months to a year and then loaded onto a ship where they lived in even more deplorable conditions than the dungeons and forcefully migrated across the Atlantic to South and North America, or the Caribbeans.
It is estimated that of the some ten million people traded and sold into equal number of Africans perished during the raids, marches, dungeons, and ships.
There is no way to comprehend such a number. Or such an atrocity. It is the greatest crime against humanity. The buying, selling and owning of people. And it happened on a scale that my mind can scarcely comprehend.
The last part of our tour brought us to this corridor. It is here that the underground tunnel opened up and the slaves stepped out. And it is through "The Door of No Return" that the slaves would then pass, to be loaded onto waiting ships, and embark on their new life of slavery towards their fellow man.
Except, when you cross the threshold of that door today...the only ships that are waiting are local fishing boats. Out on the sand there is no longer people shackled at the feet as they march out to sea, but Ghanians running and playing soccer and lounging in the sand.
There are fathers holding hands, unbound, running with their children in the surf.
You step out of that door today and you see a people who are free. Free to live. Free to choose. Free to play. Free to think. Free to be. Thank God, that there were a small number of brave and determined people two hundred years ago who chose to stand up against insurmountable odds in the face of extreme opposition and fight for what was right. Who were willing to dedicate their lives to bring freedom to others.
Prior to our vacation I did a lot of research on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, knowing that we would visit this castle on our trip. I also read "The Book of Negroes" while in Ghana to help put me in the mindset of what slaves endured as told from a slaves perspective. So being able to come here and retrace slavery's steps was an incredibly humbling experience. Visiting Cape Coast Castle was one of the single greatest things I have ever done. To walk and see and smell where some of the most monumental and significant history of our entire world took place was indescribable. A gift of immeasurable value. We were so so thankful for the opportunity to come here.
After leaving Cape Coast we drove up north a little ways to Kakum National Park and spent the afternoon in a tropical rainforest. As if our vacation hadn't been exciting enough, we figured we'd take it one step further and do the "Canopy Walk" before we left. This canopy walk, which is the only thing of its kind of the entire continent of Africa, is nothing more than a rope bridge made out of a narrow ladder with a piece of wood laid across it surrounded by a rope netting.
You are suspended 110 feet off the forest floor over the canopy level of the rain forest. That's a whole lotta space between you and the ground! With absolutely nothin' to catch you if those ropes give way!
The ropes were completely sturdy though. There was nothing to fear. Isaak wasn't totally convinced of that however...the man was literally dripping sweat he was so nervous!
Every time we got to a landing between bridges he'd have to wait to calm himself before starting out again! Really, if you're unsure whether you're afraid of heights before starting'll know for sure when you're done! You. are. high!! Just to access the bridge you have to do a 20 minute climb through the forest that takes you up 600 feet to the edge of a valley and then you climb up to the platform of the bridge. And unbeknown to us, it wasn't just one little bridge to cross, once you got up there the canopy walk was a 1000 foot long circular walkway!
You are up there for a long time! So as long as you didn't look down to the ladder and focus on the parts of the netting that had ripped away from the wood, or freak out whenever someone moved and the whole bridge would sway back and forth...which oh yeah, was every time someone took a'd be totally fine!
Me and the girls absolutely loved it. It was so thrilling. They are quite the little adventurers.
It was absolutely beautiful. To be suspended that high above the ground and get to take in the beauty and majesty of the rain forest was amazing. I kept trying to lean over the railing to get a picture of the ground below me, but the foliage was so thick, which is why they call it the canopy layer I guess, you could not see past the trees.
Truly, another incredible experience to add to the list. Ghana did not disappoint. We had the most wonderful vacation filled with awesome memories.
It was so nice to be able to take a little break from life in Burkina to come here and rest and enjoy each others company. To have a break from speaking French and be able to communicate in our native language for a short time. To enjoy some pleasures that Burkina doesn't offer. To breathe and get refreshed before starting another year here. And we did. We had the greatest time. We left filled up to overflowing and felt spoiled and loved on and blessed by the Lord in all that He provided for us while there. To a great vacation.
And, just in case we got to thinking that Ghana was so modern and western and progressive and so unlike the Africa we knew in'd just take walking past a pick-up truck in the mall parking lot and seeing a donkey strapped down to remind you where you still were! Sometimes there is just no forgetting you're in Africa! Oh how I love this crazy place!
Ah, I'm so glad to read this! What a treat for you guys - grocery stores?! movie theaters?! haircuts?!! I'm glad that you had some pampering and moments of rest to recharge your batteries. You all look beautiful, by the way! It's been a while since we've seen so many pictures of you, Mom :) and you look great!
i love that you are seeing so many places... and that i have seen them too.
that castle... still haunts me. I'm so glad you were there!
and on the walk-way.. i was half between you and half between Isaak. Dude. That thing is HIGH and scary! but i love that we have similar memories of there now!!
I am laughing and crying and womdering how you managed to get so much stuff done on one trip. So thankful you got to go. And thanks for the prayers. Praying for you, too!
fabulous! loved all the pics of my girls! and their man!! love ya!
Melissa, Thanks for sharing your vacation and the beautiful country of Ghana. Your photo narration of the "castle" had me in tears, what horrors human beings cause for money and power.
The family looks great and you can see the fear in Isaak's face and body on that bridge, poor thing. I am so glad you are enjoying your time in Africa and that God has brought you across the paths of some awesome people.
wow! what an amazing trip! and a GREAT re-cap! i so desire to just drive and drive through african countryside....oh, if i could get to you!
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