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Monday, July 1, 2013

Boxes, summer movies, breaking the brakes, and other random thoughts....

-I have the most fantastic friends. They bless me. I received many care packages in the mail today....filled with everything from band aids, pony tale holders, kid magazines, colored pencils, girl scout cookies, coloring books, playdoh, saltine crackers...and little boy clothes. =) And without fail....every. single. time I receive something in the mail...I cry. It can not be helped. Not over the gifts....but over the people who send them. Jesus is good to us.

-I heard an interesting story at church on Sunday from a missionary here, he shared this with the congregation.... "I never knew this until recently when a friend shared it with me...but whenever a midget dies in Burkina their body must be buried on the land of the Mossi tribe chief. So people will travel from all over Burkina to bury these people on the Chief's land. And due to animist beliefs....they believe that it will not rain again until a midget's body has been buried in the ground. I heard this on a day when I was told that a midgets body was being transported to the capital for burial. As I drove down the road on my moto, I saw all these heavy rain clouds in the sky, but no rain. So I just began to pray out loud that God would send the rain. And all of a started to rain!" And then another woman stood up and said, "Funny you should mention that! I felt God plague my heart that day to pray for rain too! And then some family members called and asked how they could be praying for us...and I asked them to pray for rain that day. And then it started raining!"

He sends the rain. He, sends the rain. He alone holds the power. Hebrews 1 tells us that Jesus sustains all things by the power of His word. Jesus does.

Praying that as the rain came down that day it would have washed their animist beliefs away with it! Amen!

-I love living here.

-With the sheer overload my brain has been on since moving here last August, being in survival mode and culture shock for almost a year now...I decided that since we weren't going back to the States for a break this summer, that I was going to have to find a way to have little breaks while here. And being the monster movie lover that I am, I decided that every week I would download one movie to watch during summer break as a way of forcing myself to sit and be still and have some brain down time. I started making a list of movies I've never seen and wanted to watch, totally random stuff like The Scent of a Woman, Nicolas Nickleby, Faith Like Potatoes, Evelyn, I am David, An Unfinished Life, The Painted Veil, Madison, Out of Africa, Oscar and Lucinda....just a mish mash of movies. This is small, but it's been such fun! It gives me something to look forward to doing each week and a way to have a nice two hour break from reality and engage in something light!

I also have a list of books I'm hoping to get read before the end of summer time as well. So between my books and my movie list, and a much needed slightly slower paced life for the next 8 weeks, I am getting a nice little "breather" after all. So thankful to Jesus for small delights!

-I am doing a summer bible study through the book of James. I just finished week 1 and I'm loving it!

 -I think Amira is finally over 5 lbs which means we can finally get her spayed now......
Halle-feakin'-lujah! That dang kitten has gone into heat more times than I care to count already! She just walks and lays around with her back side stuck way up in the air...and I am gettin' tired of seeing that side of her!

-some of our absolute dearest friends here moved back to the States three weeks ago for a little over a year for a much needed home assignment. There are hardly words to express how much Megan and Matt came to be loved by us in such a short amount of time. It was one of those quickly deep friendships that only God could have orchestrated. We spent every nearly every weekend together and dinner nights during the week, and we sorely miss their presence already. And we are counting down the days until they come back!

-I may have driven home with my emergency brake on a few weeks ago. And as a result of what I may have possibly done our brakes are now grinding down on each other to the metal whenever I have to stop when driving. Oh my gosh, it's like listening to nails on a chalk board but worse...and louder. I'm very glad my little brother Jordan was not here this time to laugh at me. And yell at me. Because I may have done this in high school as well. Thankfully Isaak just breathed real deep when I told him what I did.

He will be replacing the brakes on Friday. I wrecked 'em good. (In all fairness is so easy to forget the emergency brake is on. Really, it is. You'd think the car would have a harder time driving or something with the brakes on...but I always seem to drive on them just fine! Companies should really consider having something along the lines of a horn blast at the driver if they attempt to drive away with the brakes on...instead of some practically invisible red blinking light on the dash board. That just doesn't cut it for me...)

But whatever.

And, just for the fun of ending this post with a is a group shot of some of our gang who got together for Matt and Megan's (who are tucked way in the back right) going away party before they left. Good times, great friends!

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