Come on in...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Some friends stopped by yesterday....

Some Garibou friends. Plus a little girl.
They absolutely warm my heart.

Praying they left filled up with something more lasting than crackers, fruit rolls ups and new flip flops. Praying Jesus met some emotional needs for those kids in our courtyard. He is able, in ten minutes time through handshakes and smiles to fill a heart to overflowing. Praying His presence over those children. And that we will never be too busy to stop what we're doing and answer His call with joy.


Georgia said...

good for you - i know this is the need you have been longing to meet. they look beautiful! God seems to always start by meeting our human and physical needs first - right where we are. then the rest comes. i am praying they visit again. love ya!

Liz W. said...

You're gonna be the "cracker lady"! Love it, and I love your heart.