I pulled a piece of broken glass out of my foot this morning that has been in there for the past two days.
Two days. Walking around with glass in my foot.
I honestly just thought my foot was hurting because I scratched myself.
Apparently I did.
With glass.
That was lodged in my foot.
I think I need an intervention......or else my feet may fall off in protest for all the abuse they are subjected to.
I may need to relinquish my 'mammoth woman' nickname by the time you're done there - I can't keep up with that kind of mammothness...
there is an answer to this, one that we have discussed before in this forum - WEAR SHOES!!!!!!! love ya!
maybe, just MAYBE you would wear shoes? i know you don't like to...but...
i might just die.
cracking up.
what the freakin heck is happening to you!?!?!?
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