But, that seems to be pretty standard since we moved here. Our weekends are packed with activities.
Which is a blessing, actually. In a place with so little to do compared to where we use to live, it is nice to have activities and opportunities to have fun. And, we are finding ways to stay busy. When you have so many less amenities available to you, you really do find that you can have just as much fun with more simple things. And we are. Hallelujah we are!!!
So, Friday night we walked down to the Rec Center for dinner and game night with friends.
We have to bring a flashlight when we walk at night. Our street has no lights for a few blocks making it pretty black and a pot hole will swallow you up if you're not watching. :~)
We played our new favorite game, 7 Wonders, and laughed and harassed each other.
There were about 15-20 women there and Kathy had a gal come by to give 15 minute massages for $6, yes...$6.
Another gal was on hand giving pedicures and manicures for $2. And then there were two local artisans who brought some of their handmade baskets, purses, place mats, wallets, trivets, you name it.....to sell as well. I picked up a beautiful woven basket with leather handles for $14, a new purse for $24, and some wallets and coin purses for $2. I am becoming quite smitten with Africa. :~)
We talked and laughed.
And ate a lot of food. I made a cinnamon pancake cake with a syrup glaze, courtesy of pinterest. Definitely a keeper recipe.
It was also Anne's birthday, which we celebrated with more food. These are my kind of people. :~)
And then later that evening we headed over to the Marine House for a "going away".
Someone now gone left behind a walking rope thingy. Not sure what they are called. But the kids had a good time trying to balance and walk back and forth between the two trees.
It was a wee bit hot, hence the sweaty beat red faces.
Later on the Marines arranged for some entertainment. This guy is holding seven pans and spinning them simultaneously. I was impressed. The kids were roaring with applause.
All the kids were sitting on a bench behind him watching and he pulled a couple girls up to "assist" him. One of those girls was Sydaleigh, and she was through the roof excited. I mean, she thought this was the coolest thing she's ever done.
He then pulled them all up to dance with him. Marvelly was a safe distance away behind the fence not wanting to participate. And the girls just had the best time. That is ten little girls up there, all around the same age. Marvelly makes eleven and there are a few more with girls who couldn't make it. God just always seems to put us in the company of friends with girls! We love it!
Me and my girl. She had the best time up there dancing around.
After Mr. Spinning Pots guy was done with his bit....Mr. Aladdin Pants came on. (I call him Mr. Alladdin pants, because he is wearing Aladdin pants.) I moved over to the side of the patio, way off to the side, and was sitting on a bench halfway under a palm tree. I thought I was safe. But after seeing Mr. Spinning Pots guy pull up some assistants to help out with his gig....Mr. Aladdin Pants got that same idea.
Now woulda been a good time to have mind reading super power. I was just sitting there minding my own business watching Mr. Aladdin Pants twirl around and do hand stands on his roller skates when he rushes up to me and drags me against my will onto the patio with him.
He tells me to dance, so I awkwardly bust out some dance moves (in front of a rather large number of Embassy staff ) hoping to slink away in a few seconds with my dignity partially in tact. But when I stand back up, after you know, dancing on my knees, He whispers to me above the music, "keep dancing, I am going to circle around and pick you up."
"Wait! What?! Come back! Did you say you're going to pick me up??!?!?!" And.....there goes the remainder of the dignity I had hoped to escape with.....
That would be me, literally screaming, "NOOOOOOO!!!!" to Ima as she stood by laughing taking my picture. (Traitor.) I am not one to embarrass easily....but, that was pretty mortifying. And of course no other adults got swept up, twirled around and had to hang on for dear life for fear of being thrown into the pool that night. Just me. These moments always have a way of happening to just me.So I have decided after this that dignity is overrated. There is really no way to maintain grace when you are screamin' like a banshee being twirled around in circles by a dude wearing satin Aladdin pants.
Touche Burkina. Touche.
i think i literally peed my pants.
this stuff does only happen to YOU!
i love africa!!! HAHAHA
Best part of all I was on the balcony overhead laughing with Marvelly telling people to ask Melissa about her breakout performance in Peru. It was an awesome night and Melissa is always a great sport.
what a fun night!!! give my hugs and kisses to my girls! including the big one! ahhahahaha! and my love to isaak. love ya!
Rock on Melissa, rock on!!!!
So funny!! Mr. Aladdin pants...hahaha. Miss you!
girl, did you bust out some ABBA moves?? and he prob picked you out of the crowd, b/c you were the only one he thought he could pick up!!
Oh, I am laughing so hard. Here I am in my crabby pants and you just made my day. Love you, girl
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