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Monday, September 10, 2012

A conversation at dinner

Marvelly- "A boy tried to kiss me on the lips at church." (she tells me with a bashful yet mischievous smile on her face like she's secretly pleased.)

Me- "Did he?"

Marvelly- "No."

Me -"Did you tell him to stop."

Marvelly- "No."

me- "Who did?"

Marvelly - "My teacher."

Me- "Next time, tell the boys you're not old enough to kiss."

Marvelly- "No no! He was small like me. He was just my size"

Me- "You're still not old enough to be kissed."

Marvelly- "No no. He was four, like me."

Me- "I understand. But four year olds are not old enough to be kissing each other."

Marvelly- "No no. He was just my size."

Ah forget it.

I let Isaak deal with that one when he got home from work.  :~) As I walked out of the girl's room at bedtime I could hear Isaak down the hall still telling Marvelly that no boys are allowed to kiss her and coaching her what to say if they try (ugh, if?.....more like when they try again).

You could hear the girls giggling as he left the room. :~) 



D'Ache' said...

The boys have it grilled into their heads that they are NOT allowed to kiss any girl besides Momma. Girls, hmmmmmm. ;-)

Liz W. said...

haaa! I think that "bashful yet mischievous smile" will be her secret weapon!
you are in TROUBLE!