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Friday, December 12, 2014

Cold season in Burkina

When the girl's left for school this morning at 7:30 the temperature was in the mid 60's. They were shivering as they got onto the bus in their shorts and flip flops.

Cold season in Burkina has officially arrived.

By this afternoon though temperatures will climb back up to the mid 90's (it's wonderful)...hence sending the girls to school in shorts. No matter how cold it gets in Burkina at times, it's always summer. It's been nice living in a climate that only experiences brief hours during the entire year where temperatures dip down to the sixties. We like it. Well, I like it, because I dislike the cold. Everyone else misses the winter weather....although for the life of me I can't fathom why!

Steve was especially cold this morning. As we got into the car to drive Isaak to work, Steve was shivering and saying, "me cold, me cold!". I know buddy, me too!

By 8:30am it was 70 degrees and as we sat at the doctors office on their terrace we shivered as the wind blew in through the screens.

I have determined that 70 degrees is as cold as I like it to get outside.

I also have a feeling that if 70 degrees causes us to be shivering cold now....we may die when we land in the U.S. tomorrow where the high in Virginia this weekend and onward is 51 degrees....and that's the high. Like, the absolute highest it will get all day. And before it can get that high, first it must get down to 32 degrees and then climb it's way back up. God help me, my blood may freeze before I ever make it through the parking lot of the airport!

I think I like Burkina's idea of winter way better than cold weathered countries. I'm just not cut out for prolonged cold temperatures anymore...I would much rather sweat than shiver!

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