Thanksgiving was great. Superb company. Great food.
Even the planning and cooking was a breeze. Shout out to my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook that outlines day by day how to best prepare for Thanksgiving dinner, I was well prepared and able to prep so many things well in advance. Seriously, Betty Crocker, you the woman!
That may sound lame, but I'm used to spending Thanksgiving with my family in Hilton Head and not having so many responsibilities for this ever so important holiday rest squarely on my shoulders. It'll take a few years to get into a good groove. I'm on my way though. I implemented some good tips this year and it helped to make the day really restful and stress free. I'm all about less stress during holidays!
Me and Stevie Wonderboy made a Thanksgiving thankful banner while the girls were at school.And then when the girls got home they helped decorate it too! (International schools don't recognize thanksgiving, so no days off here!)
Today I am thankful for...."Steve spending his first Thanksgiving with his new family" "Sydaleigh and Marvelly!" "that I have great friends" "friends with cool kids" "my daughters smile and laugh" "my husband and his cooking skills" "awesome friends to celebrate with" "Steve became my brother!".......
Truly, so much to be thankful for, this doesn't even crack the surface of the depths of our gratitude.
Some of our favorite people. So blessed by their friendships....and the kids are too! They have truly helped fill the roles in our children's lives while living overseas and not having their aunts and uncles close by to give them piggyback rides. The Brills and Durkee's embrace our kids and spoil them with attention, the thing my kids love best!
Our other guests of honor....the ham and turkey we were blessed to have! Isaak carved up the ham, while Rebecca's parents so graciously carved up the turkey. (I have a rule that she who cooks the turkey does not have to carve the turkey : ) )
Naturally, there was way to much food. I made turkey, ham, crescent rolls, mashed potatoes, sugar glazed carrots, cranberry sauce, gravy, jello, pumpkin pie, chocolate pudding pie and a pumpkin dip for an appetizer. The rest of the crew brought green bean casserole, stuffing, cheese dip, peanut butter pie, squash fritters, corn, sweet potato mashed potatoes, apple crisp dessert, passion fruit and champagne! It. was. so. much!! We were painfully full!!
I am not used to eating so much here. I thought I was going to spontaneously combust!
Mmm, it was all so yummy. An absolute treat.
(Not to toot my own horn, but Isaak told me later that night, that that was the best turkey he has ever eaten. *toot toot* Whew! I seriously would have been happy with it just being cooked all the way through!)
Our crew.....Seth, Rebecca, with her parents Frank and Janet who are visiting, Matt, Megan and Mireya, Corrie and our crew all gathered together. It was a joy feasting with them.
Ma famille.
To a wonderful day..... full of laughter, family, good friends, no stress, and blessings overflowing.