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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Close to the last rain fall....

It is raining here tonight.

I know I write about the rain here a lot. I can't help it, I'm obsessed with rain. And the rainy season here is just about over. Which means that it will be a good 8 months or more before the rains return to Burkina again.

But I will not be here to see them for another season.

This will be my last rainy season in West Africa.

With us set to leave Burkina in June after the school year ends, it is in all likely hood that I will depart before the next rainy season kicks off.

So tonight, with that in mind, I grabbed my camera and rushed to the patio to take some video of our night time downpour so that when I leave here I can play it back and remember. So that we can remember the gusto in which the rains came.

I have enjoyed three rainy seasons in Burkina Faso. And I am just sitting here right now, at my desk next to the open window listening to the rain, feeling exceedingly grateful for every minute of it.

This is a night in which I don't want this adventure to end. Despite the difficulties....our time here has been absolutely amazing. More than I ever could have dreamed.

I am thankful.

Thankful for it all.


Georgia said...


Bekah Boo said...

I just realized (i am slow) that we are both going through or 'lasts' in our places together... and both of us have 3 years in our places.
i love the rainy season there.
i love you.
praying for you as i go to sleep that you'd say goodbye and soak up every 'last' well!

Liza said...

Wow! I hadn't realized that you were within a year of leaving! So many mixed feelings, I'm sure. Glad you got to enjoy that (maybe) last rain and one big thing about this country you love.