Come on in...

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Yesterday we headed to Loumbila -Beach with the Dunns and Hansen families, Ben and Molly and Joanna for a fun "day away" before school resumes on Monday! It's always nice to drive out of the city, even if it's just 10 miles. =) 
We hadn't been back here in two years and they actually made a lot of improvements to the place since our first trip in 2012. One thing they have not improved on, however; is their "beach", aka that brown parasite festering crocodile filled sludge of a lake. Ick. They actually have a couple jetskis and paddle boats you can rent to take out on the water.....but we said nay nay. No body wanted to get stuck in the middle of that thing or risk falling in!
We did however pay mil franc for the kids to take a ride on a horse around the property. Marvelly loves horses, so so much. We decided to start her again in riding lessons for this year. Steve was equally stoked, he wouldn't even touch a horse when we took him to Syd's horse lessons, but here he is being brave and sitting on one!
 He was not brave on this thing though!! The scary ride of death! Carnie rides in Burkina!
Steve had his face buried in my lap most of the time with his eyes shut tight screaming, "all done! all done! all done!" I tried to warn him! But he was insistent on following the bigger kids. =)
He's smiling because it's over! Marvelly informed me that she likes to go fast, just not high, while Sydaleigh is a fan of both. I don't mind fast or high, I just prefer to not ride around in a stomach churning circle over and over again on a contraption that feels like it's going to break apart at any minute. The kids thought it was awesome though, so that's what matters!
We ate lunch there, did a lot of swimming and relaxed and talked and laughed for many many hours.
The place looks empty, but it was actually swarming with people! It was a national holiday on Friday so the place was packed. 
They had a nice playground too, in addition to those heavy metal swings at the top of the page, which the kids entertained themselves on for hours.

It was fun to go back again. We certainly had a fantastic day together!