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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa comes to Africa!

Jolly ole Saint Nick arrived in Burkina last Saturday to the delight of a whole bunch of kids!
Apparently Santa Clause is a Christmas staple everywhere in the world....even in far off little countries like this one. Everybody knows the Santa if we could just get everyone to know Jesus we'd be on to somethin'. :~)
My girls, however, were a little less impressed with Santa than the others....seen as how they see their daddy everyday. :~) Ah yes. Isaak got duped into playing Santa. Ha ha! He was the only one willing to don that red suit and beard. What a good sport my husband is!
There was talk at the party of acquiring a Mrs. Clause outfit for next year. I have no clue who they think they're gonna find to dress up as her......


Holly said...

favorite. post. ever.

Georgia said...

how cute!!!

D'Ache' said...

Love it! I think you would do quite well. :)