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Thursday, November 5, 2009

kind of Senoritas

well I tried.
We were eating at Guaca Maya for dinner the week before Halloween and Sydaleigh was enthralled with all the beautiful waitresses in their senorita garb. So I figured that would be an easy enough outfit for Halloween. They turned so. I'm not a person that puts a considerable amount of effort into costumes because, well, it's Halloween. But Sydaleigh adored her skirt, because it was a skirt. She is into anything long and flowey right now, and probably forever. :) We met up with friends before the kids hit the streets for chili and had a ball. It was a fun night and we'll likely be bringing the remaining candy to Hilton Head-only three weeks away!!


Kris said...

No, not kind of, they were the cutest senoritas ever! And definately original. Thanks for hanging with us.

Liz W. said...

Marvelly's face in that first picture was priceless!!! So cute!! I LOVED the idea.