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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Afro gone bad.

So I tried to give myself an afro.

This afro, specifically. I was motivated to turn my white-girl hair into this awesome spiral mess for the embassy's Halloween party tonight. Gosh, I love her hair. I dream of having hair this big.

So before I left DC I asked the African American gal who was cutting Sydaleigh's hair if she could give me advice on how to give myself an afro. She kinda squinted her eyebrows together and looked at me like, "You do know you're white, right?"  To which I was like, "Oh am I? Sometimes I forget." :~)

Anyways, she told me that I could find these styrofoam thingy's at most beauty stores to wrap my hair in overnight and by morning it would be all spirally and to tease it out and voila....afro.

Well, I never got around to buying those styrofoam things she told me about, so I had to improvise.

I took about fifty strands of hair and braided each piece really tightly up to the scalp, and then wrapped each piece around a bobby pin and tucked the end through it. Same concept. Way less comfortable for sleeping purposes.
Ummm, to say that I looked ridiculous would be the understatement of the century. It looked like I had worms coming out of my head. Not my best look. :~)
By morning I couldn't take the bobby pins poking me anymore so I took them out and started the process of unearthing my hairdo. This is without the bobby pins before I took the braids out. Still looks like I got worms. Not my best look. :~)

An hour later though, with the help of Isaak we undid all those braids to reveal...

hair like this. It was the biggest scariest puffiest hair I've ever had. Shoulda taken a picture of it then. It was awesome. For the moments that I had was awesome. I lost a crap load of hair in the process, but it was totally worth it.

And then we went to the Halloween party and after five minutes......FIVE MINUTES of being outside in the humidity.....
THIS happened.

It just went, kurplunk. And that is what I walked around looking like all night. Half my head was tightly spun, the other half lay flat and frizzy.

Definitely not my best look.
Definitely not.

I was going for 70's disco era, but it just kinda looked like a bad 80's perm job.

Definitely afro gone bad.

Next time it will be better...... :~) Oh, there will for sure be a next time. I will have an awesome afro. I.will.


Georgia said...

hahahha!!!! 80's perm gone bad for sure! that's exactly what i thought when i saw the outcome because that is EXACTLY what my hair looked like the morning after one of my curly perms - half curly, half straight and frizzy. LOOKS JUST LIKE MINE! and i had to go to a tae kwon do tournament the same day. pony tail with barrettes day for me! until i could go back and have it re-done. hahaha!!!!! you look so like your mama! love ya! especially before you combed it out. and marvelly does not look joyous - whatup??

Georgia said...

ps - a giant can of hairspray will help hold things in place for MOST people.................not sure if you fit into that category or not - hahahahahahha love ya!

BIBrooks said...

The best part of those pictures is the one where the girls are in their favorite outfit. Underwear only. It's like they have no clothes to wear. Seriously though we provide our GIrls with clothes, they just choose not to wear them. It's hot in Africa.