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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

1st day of swim lessons

I signed Sydaleigh up for swim lessons this summer at the Kids Body Shop-twice a week through the month of June. The class is 45 minutes long and parents have the option to leave, but it was her first day so I stuck around (just in case).

I was surprised-this class means business! On the first lesson they had the kids paddling on a kick board on their belly's, then on their backs, each child got to jump in the water one time, go under and hold their breath, and come back up. They practiced swimming on the backs and belly's without a kick board learning to kick their feet, and some other random was awesome!

Sydaleigh was very comfortable and receptive to following her teachers directions. I think gymnastics really helped in that department-just kind of pave the way for her to have to listen to someone besides me, be comfortable with me "leaving", and have fun trying something new.

So, we'll see how the rest of the month goes. I am so looking forward to seeing her learn to swim...

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