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Monday, June 1, 2009

Sydaleigh at almost 3 and a half

She has recently taken up to calling me "Mamma" (rather than Mommy)...
puts on a pretty dress and asks us "What do you think?" while she twirls back and forth...
requests to try new food with out having to be asked (broccoli, salad, grilled bbq chicken, ect)
argues with us about everything...
doesn't just 'take my word for it' anymore...
battling between wanting to be a big girl and letting go of her beloved paci (nap time every afternoon is a cry-fest, poor girl)...
says cute things like, "you are my best Daddy, my best Wavery, and my best Mommy"...
says, "lay up" (instead of sit up)
doesn't like it when I put my arm around Isaak's back, or touch him in any capacity, while riding in the car and tells me very authoritatively to "stop touching Daddy"
has officially entered the "ask a million questions about everything" phase...
can finally remember her colors....
boss' Marvelly around like it's nobody's business!..
sleeps is a dress and her ruby red shoes almost every night...
loves to tell me how much she loves Jesus and then serenades me with classic "Jesus loves me..."
vacuums the stairs every day for her chores and gets two dimes for her hard work...
tells me every time I give her two dimes that she wants more...
gets reminded that she will not receive any money if what I give her isn't good enough...
is learning what it means to be content, not complain, and handle disappointment........

1 comment:

Tera said...

HEE HEE HEE!! Been there done that, sorry to say just wait! It gets a whole lot cuter and a whole lot worse. SO WORTH IT!! I love being a mom!