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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 weeks and counting....

It seemed like I had less time than that.

When I sat down to tally up how much time we have left in the United Sates...I thought we were down to 10 weeks. Joyfully and impatiently I realized we have 12.

Joyfully, because I am not anywhere near ready to go.
Impatiently, because I am ready to go. 

It's an annoying combination.

Wanting to leave because I am ready, and wanting to stay because I am not. I don't know how I keep track of my life some days. Geesh. I'm all over the place right now.

Each day Isaak comes home with a volume of new papers that need reading. Papers on Burkina Faso, his new job, expectations, recommended packing lists, etiquette, security, history. Each day I get emails from DIA and the U.S. Embassy in Burkina packed with even more information...classes, training dates, notifications, rec center updates, recommended household help needing employment. This doesn't included the new books that Isaak brings home weekly that need reading ranging from The Fate of Africa ( a 700 page beast of a book that is highly recommended reading) to Service Etiquette, to The Do's and Taboos Around the World and more.

This morning I picked up my ever growing list that stays next to my bed and started organizing what to bring in our luggage, (further categorized into checked and carry on), our quick ship items, our consumable items, and our regular overseas shipment.

I then turned the page and added fifty more things I remembered we needed to purchase before we leave and checked off the five items we bought.

I turned the page again and checked off my To-Do list, "Dental apt. for me" and then added three more dental appointments I still have to have done.

I just got off the phone with the base clinic trying to schedule an appointment to get the family on anti-malaria meds but in order to do so we need to fill out two more forms for each girl, then get them in for an appointment, then bring their paperwork to a special office, then come back to the clinic for another appointment to actually receive the meds.

This only scratches the surface.

My head is spinning. Everday I wake up and I'm assaulted with things that need to be done. I look around the house and know that I need to start organizing our belongings because we are scheduling the first set of movers to come the beginning of July to pack and ship our Africa stuff. But, as I stated above, there are four, no, more like five sets of packing and shipping that have to take place for this move. The four listed above, then there's the whole packing of our long term storage items too. But since the movers are coming early for our Africa stuff I have to figure out what we want to bring with us, but still keep in mind what we need to live off of for the remainder of our time in, everything.

I can't even say that I'm overwhelmed. To be overwhelmed I think one's brain still needs to be functioning to determine that it has reached it's max.

I am happy to brain is beyond functioning at this point! I think it's just a blob of mush hanging out up there in my head. New information comes, and instead of getting overwhelmed it just sucks up the info, "*slurp* goodbye," and it disappears into the black hole that is my brain.

So, twelve weeks are good.

I need twelve more weeks.

Now, I need to go hem eight dresses so I can cross that off my list.


Georgia said...

the comfort of a deadline is the realization that that time is going to both come and go whether we are ready or not. and then it will be done. over. ready or not. and then we get to move on! to africa. just like Christmas. love the dolly parton quote! whoda thunk it? love ya!!!

D'Ache' said...

You will make it. It seems like an overwhelming amount of stuff to do but believe me you will get on the plane with everything you need. You will be amazed at what the girls will be entertained with while their stuff is "en route". It's hard but you will make it through. :-)